Call For Papers 2025

Opening the Call-for-Papers for the 6th BA-DAY 2025 - expecting your applications

BA-DAY Session formats

This time we are starting with the conference day on Thursday, where we expect up to 200 participants. The speeches will all take place online and last 30 minutes each, including a Q&A session at the end. For the other presentations, we divide the conference into three tracks according to the track themes; you can find them on the home page. Please explain in your application which theme track your presentation should be and why. 

Prepare Papers

Is your topic valuable for the Business Analysis or Project Management communities? Does your presentation have a proper layout and story line? Does your presentation fit into one of the track themes?

Revise Papers

Are you papers complete, i.e., including an abstract, your short bio, your role and your company? Please include former speaking events or publications. 

Send your papers

Please put all your information in an e-mail and send it to, we will come back to you in case of questions. You will be finally notified within 6 to 8 weeks, mostly earlier.


The conference is soliciting literature review, survey, business case study and research papers and
comments including the following areas of interest:

Track (1) Value

– the art of delivering real business value driven by AI.
AI is more and more becoming a commodity, people get used to it and are certain about how it can help and where the limits are. After the sky-rocketing hype around ChatGPT it is still up to Business Analysts to see where the real business value is. To figure this out, a BA needs a deep understanding of the underlying Business model and the relevant markets. In trustful conversations, a BA can help Business people find new sources of value or improve and capitalize on the existing ones.

Track (2) Safety

– First-in-class Cybersecurity becomes a pre-condition. 
Cybersecurity is indispensable these days. No question that serious businesses put a high priority on protecting themselves against cyber attacks or data loss and theft. The key factor of effective and affordable security mechanisms are a good balance between organizational and technical security measurements which do not have negative impact on the daily business. If security becomes an obstacle for the customers and the information workers, it might have the negative outcome of prolong got-to-market times (see below) or simply lowering usability of IT-systems. Again, the BA needs to understand both sides of the coin in order to consult in finding the right balance.

Track (3) Speed

– Fast, lightweight solutions components orchestrated in perfect suites will outperform heavyweight, expensive solutions. 
Go-To-Market times can be key factors in today’s market landscapes. Who comes first can gain lots of advantages if they have a longer-lasting position as market leader. Former IT systems often needed very long development cycles, so that there were many months between initiation and getting to market. Modern IT architectures like micro & web services can ease and accelerate software development massively, making launches of new solutions possible in some weeks rather than months. It goes without saying that role security becomes even more important if data is processed by external, mostly web-based services. The BA needs a good know how foundation to see where the limits are. Cutting edge functionality helps companies to strengthen their market position, but only if the customer base is at the same time convinced about the security engagements of these companies!

Ready To Submit Papers?

All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. English is the official language of the conference. We welcome paper submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers in electronic (DOC or PDF) format.