Business Analysis Approach 2.0

18 May 2018
15:30 - 16:15
Room 1

Business Analysis Approach 2.0

In a more and more complex, global environment where the overarching constant is CHANGE – how do we make our BA team fit to deal with the challenges this construct is holding? Where should a BA sit within individual project organisations? How do we identify value in our projects? When do we go agile, waterfall or wagile? These are the questions that today arise in all organisations.

In this case study the attendees will learn

  • which approach we took at Freshfields to form a BA Community that reflects and responds to changes
  • which challenges we have met on the journey and what we have done to deal with them
  • which different roles an agileBA can play in our projects
  • how we estimate value in the work with our clients

Download the presentation here (username and password needed).