Business Analysis in the Age of Generative AI

16 May 2024
10:30 - 11:00

Business Analysis in the Age of Generative AI

“Business Analysis in the Age of Generative AI” offers a short and pragmatic introduction to generative artificial intelligence and evaluates its significance for business analysis.
This presentation aims to clarify the functions and uses of generative AI, paving the way for a detailed discussion on its impact on business analysis.
We will examine how generative AI might change the conventional roles and tasks of business analysts and consider whether these technologies could make analytical skills more accessible across different sectors.
The focus will also be on how business analysts can move from using generative AI for elementary applications to deriving profound value.
Participants will furthermore gain a solid understanding of the future challenges and opportunities in the field of generative AI as well as how to remain up to date on everything happening in the field.