Business Analysis and Cyber Security – The Joint Enterprise

16 May 2024
10:30 - 11:00

Business Analysis and Cyber Security – The Joint Enterprise

Although viewed as distinct disciplines, business analysis and cyber security must be indispensable partners in safeguarding organisational interests.

This presentation illuminates the intersection of these fields, emphasising their joint efforts in mitigating risks, protecting data assets, and ensuring operational continuity. The presentation will explore the intricate interplay between these two domains, highlighting how their collaboration addresses evolving threats while meeting business objectives and practical strategies for integrating business analysis methodologies with cyber security using BA & CS Framework© 2024 to enhance organisational resilience.

Audience Takeaways:
• Gain insights into the collaborative efforts between business analysis and cyber security for effective risk management.
• Learn practical approaches for aligning business objectives with cyber security measures.
• Discover best practices and actionable strategies to fortify organisational defences and drive business resilience in the digital age.