Customer Journey Mapping

18 May 2018
16:20 - 17:05
Room 2

Customer Journey Mapping

Leveraging smart consumer research for a better brand experience

Delivering an overall superior customer experience requires a holistic understanding of consumers’ needs and expectations, relevant channels and touchpoints and their impact on brand performance. It is about identifying the moments of truth and turning them into positive moments, both functionally and emotionally.

Customer experience is the sum of all experiences that a customer makes along various interactions with a brand, be it online or offline. Each and every contact they have with your brand not only influences customer satisfaction, but also other key performance indicators like purchase intention, loyalty and awareness. Improving the experience means not only looking at single touchpoints, but at the entire end-to-end experience customers have with a company from their point of view: the customer journey. It is crucial to learn how they view the brand through the lens of their individual experiences, and how the brand measures up to their expectations – at various touchpoints, and overall. This is important to know in order to set priorities for the most important gaps and opportunities to improve the journey.

How do you get to a holistic understanding of the customer experience of your brand – and more importantly – how to translate these findings into measures and actions to improve your brand’s performance and customer perception? Drawing from several case studies, we will look at ways to define individual customer journeys, measure the impact and relevance of various touchpoints along the journey and identify the key drivers of customer loyalty.

Download the presentation here (username and password needed).