From grey SME to AI pioneer in 7 steps: Success strategies for the age of artificial intelligence

From grey SME to AI pioneer in 7 steps: Success strategies for the age of artificial intelligence

• Create awareness: Develop an understanding of AI among management and
staff in order to reduce fears and recognise potential.
• Develop a vision and strategy: Formulate clear goals for the use of AI that fit
the corporate strategy and create long-term competitive advantages.
• Build a data infrastructure: Create a solid database and the necessary
technological infrastructure to be able to use AI applications effectively.
• Implement initial pilot projects: Experiment with small, clearly defined
projects to test specific AI use cases and achieve initial success.
• Involve and train employees: Prepare the workforce for dealing with AI
through further training programmes and retraining and accompany the
cultural change.
• Scaling AI solutions: Extend successful pilot projects to the entire company
and systematically integrate AI use in various business areas.
• Continuous innovation: Establish a culture of innovation in which new AI
applications are continuously sought in order to remain competitive in the long

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