How can we prove success? Metrics for digital business transformation

How can we prove success? Metrics for digital business transformation

Change management is on everyone’s lips. Change is actually a given! However, thousands of change projects and agile transformations keep failing! When embarking on a journey into the unknown, plans have limited value: we simply don’t know the best way forward! This makes it extremely difficult to prove “success”: We need signals that we are going in the right direction on our change journey!

This is where our model for measurements comes in!

How do you know that a change program has an impact on the culture of the organisation? How do you know that an agile transformation is moving forward? In this presentation, we will share our experiences as consultants for a governmental organisation in Central Europe in supporting the cultural change triggered by the digitalisation program.

By applying well known-Models like OKRS in combination with the ADKAR model (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement) we were able to visualise progress, define clear priorities and ensure a common understanding of the key success factors. I look forward to welcoming you to our presentation!

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