How I am still having trust issues with and learning to love the AI as BA

16 May 2024
11:00 - 11:30
on-line, stream 1

How I am still having trust issues with and learning to love the AI as BA

AI has become total hype for many industries and professions. As business analysts, we were among the first to try and comprehend how to leverage new tools based on this technology. The goal was to find out how we could increase the value of the solutions we suggest, as well as how to perform our professional activities better.

I did my due diligence by testing various solutions and what kind of results they produced. In summary, I was moderately satisfied and have trust issues concerning AI-based tools. Don’t get me wrong; I am not a pretentious douche here to trash the results achieved in the field – many talented engineers made a colossal effort to make what we have nowadays. It is just that AI-based tools lack some essential things that may increase their value or remove blockers for more extensive usage.

Now, I want to share my thoughts. I invite you to the conversation about what is expected now from the AI, what kind of trust issues are there, and what can be done to remove the obstacles. Let’s start our conversation by sharing your thoughts on the topic. Click the link, find a 5-minute survey, and help me share your ideas as a part of my speech.