Quantifying business requirements

16 May 2024

Quantifying business requirements

One of the common problems related to the quality of requirements is the lack of measurability.
This can result in consequences such as implementation of the wrong solution (wrong meaning one that does not deliver real business value), delays during the development process, and increased costs. A requirement, in order to properly represent the expectations of the business and be actionable, must be measurable and precise. This means that we need to quantify them.

There are a number of recommendations on how to specify requirements. Artificial intelligence can also come to our aid, which we can use both in the process of requirements development and quality control. During the lecture, I would like to present basic information on measurable expression of requirements and the consequences of lack of measurability. We will then move on to the procedure of quantifying requirements, paying attention to what information should be included in the requirement specification and how it can be presented. We will also discuss possible applications of AI in the specification development process.