The EU Artificial Intelligence Act

16 May 2024

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act

The Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) of the European Union represents the first major legal initiative to ensure a safe and ethical use of AI, while maintaining the advantage of innovative technology. As with the privacy-related GDPR, the AI Act may become a worldwide ‘gold’ standard, though  implementation and enforcement will be major challenges.

The Artificial Intelligence Act wants to improve the functioning of the European internal market and to promote a human centric and trustworthy use of AI. All of this while protecting health, safety and legal rights, as well as supporting innovation.

The AI Act determines four groups of AI solution elements: prohibited AI systems, high-risk and Non-high-risk AI systems, and general purpose AI models. The act provides also instructions regarding obligations of all parties involved, documentation and more.

In particular, the EU wants the use of AI systems to be safe and non-discriminatory. They must always be under human control and must not violate fundamental rights. In this regard, business analysts may have a privileged role to play.

The European Commission plans on having a final go-ahead of the law before the end of 2024, with the law becoming effective two years later.

In this session you will learn about the basic concepts, as well as aspects of interest to business analysts.

Both speakers adapt their presentations to the audience, including people who are new to the topic.