What home protection and cybersecurity have in common

23 Mar 2023
15:30 - 16:15
Room 1

What home protection and cybersecurity have in common

Cybersecurity sounds complicated. And the role of a business analyst in cybersecurity sounds even more complicated. Protecting your home from thieves, however, sounds a little easier. We are used to protecting our homes from criminals, but we are just beginning to learn how to protect our IT systems from cybercriminals.

If you think about it, the security of our home is not very different from the cybersecurity of our IT system. In both cases, criminals want to steal something valuable from us or harm us. And the approach to protecting your home is not much different from the approach to protecting your IT system if you look at it from the right perspective.

If you look at cybersecurity through the prism of protecting your home, cybersecurity does not sound so complicated. During my speech, I will tell you:

  • what are the similarities between protecting our home and IT system;
  • how to use this similarity to build a cyber defense;
  • and what we, as business analysts, can do to protect our IT systems.

Learning outcomes:

  • The elements of cybersecurity in the IT system
  • What BA tasks can include cybersecurity elements
  • How BA can improve cybersecurity in their projects

This is the only session which will be given remotely from Ukraine for understandable reasons.