Tanja Schlesinger

VP OneSource, DB Regio AG

Tanja Schlesinger

VP OneSource, DB Regio AG


Tanja Schlesinger currently holds the position of VP OneSource Business Intelligence at DB Regio AG.
She strives for transformation by implementing a true digital culture. She is currently successfully setting-up Data Management and Business Intelligence tools supporting her organization for faster and better decisions with Standard Reporting, Machine Learning and AI Use cases in a cloud environment. Tanja aims at a high level of transparency to better predict the effects of change in value drivers.

Tanja looks back at more than two decades of professional practice in multiple top senior management, finance and strategic functions. Her drive for growth from scratch to implementation, her entrepreneurial thinking and acting also in political settings as well as her wide knowhow in financial management of private and public companies shows a strong background in the transportation business.

All session by Tanja Schlesinger