Measurable Business Outcomes – Measuring the enduring impact of change delivery

24 Sep. 2021
16:05 – 16:35

Measurable Business Outcomes – Measuring the enduring impact of change delivery

If you put the end user at the center of an IT project, you quickly realise that the usual parameters for measuring the success of the project are no longer sufficient. Number of migrated users, reduced licence costs, successful risk minimisation, implementing out-of-the-box components that promise little customising and maintenance effort. These are only some examples of traditional KPIs of business cases and of course have their justification.

But why are the users dissatisfied after the successful completion of the project and the new environment does not meet the expectations? And how shall we measure the user experience? Is there a way to understand and demonstrate how well we did with adoption and change management for and with our users?

By using a project-based example attendees will learn:

  • Why we started to define business outcomes to measure project impact and added value
  • How we estimate and demonstrate efficiency improvements
  • How we enable additional adoption support and continuous improvement where needed
  • Which role our Business Analysts play in this approach

>> Secure enduring business value