Antonio Amador Montero

Digital Technology Services, FUJITSU

Antonio Amador Montero

Digital Technology Services, FUJITSU


Antonio Amador Montero, born in Córdoba (Spain), studied computer science at Seville University (Spain) and started his professional career in 2003. During 16 years, he has been involved in the IT sector, specializing in Software Development, where he has achieved a strong technical background having played all roles across the aforementioned sector, from Developer to Delivery Manager. Antonio has a solid experience working in different business areas such as Banking, Public Administration, Mobile Telephony and Retail.

Antonio has been active as Experienced Delivery, Service and Project Manager and is currently part of Fujitsu Spain’s Seville Software Factory, where he is a referent on Agile Delivery Services for international Customers, and Head of Delivery for an important Customer based in UK.