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The 2nd European Business Analysis Day took place May 16th and 17th and it was tremendous! More than 70 workshop attendees and 145 participants in total had a great time with very intensive networking and fun including a short interrupt by a real fire alarm. We got fantastic feedback regarding the workshops, presentations, location, food and networking opportunities, many thanks! This success immediately raises the question by when the 3rd BA-DAY will be. The answer is May 14th and 15th 2020 again in Frankfurt, tickets are already available here. If you have been at the first or second BA-DAY, you will for sure consider to join again, if not, don’t miss this chance again! Photos and a video can be found here, password protected presentation download for attendees here.

Keynotes 2019

Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel – Re-Imaging the Future in the Age of Digital Transformation

President and CEO of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) for IT Systems Engineering at the University of Potsdam in Germany, and a professor for Internet Technologies and Systems:
“Our society has to get ready for up-to-date digital infrastructure, a data-driven economy and new administrative means to shape adequate regulation for innovation. Most and for all, every single citizen needs to be equipped with the general knowledge such transformation requires. It will become increasingly important that education facilities and workplaces take advantage of the properties of internet technologies to enable everybody to stay ahead of the latest developments, to shape their personal future and not be swept away by the digital tide.”

Fernando Sánchez Márquez – Listening to your digital Customer! Exploring Agility at Desigual! 

Within the popular Spanish fashion company Desigual, Fernando has undertaken a large number of challenges, working in different roles: he was responsible for establishing the department for quality assurance and governance discipline, as well as defining the framework for new ways of working.
Introducing Agile methodologies and setting up Scrum/Kanban teams in organizations brings a tremendous change in the way traditional digital business grows. Retail enterprises have been involved in the digital transformation for a long time already… however, is there enough momentum to bring the business closer to the IT technology? 

Motto and Track Themes 2019

The Digital Change – Everything Remains Different 

Undoubtedly, the Digital Transformation is the No. 1 mega trend of the second decade, hundreds of articles, books and conferences deal with the challenges of the so-called digital age. One of the first questions with regards to a “Change” is how long is it going to take? When will the change be completed? How will the future after the change look like? Perhaps this “Digital Change” does not have the exaggerated impact many people think. Neither in a positive nor in a negative way. Everything Remains Different – a play on words in our conference motto which perfectly reflects that many things will stay as they are, independent from being analogue or digital while other things change dramatically, in a very fast and disruptive way. If it comes to social systems, i.e., human interrelationships, the digitalization does probably have a high, very sustainable impact.

Track (1) Scaling Agile

In the meantime, agile practices can be found in each company; what has started in software development projects with Scrum is currently being transferred to other levels like programs and portfolios. Since a couple of years, new frameworks are emerging to address the challenges coming with Scaling Agile. SAFe and LeSS are the main players here, both made for hundreds of developers, both based on the Agile Manifesto but nevertheless very different in their detailed implementation. But as with agility in general, practices for higher levels need as well to be tailored to situations and environments. The track Scaling Agile provides real case studies as well as useful know how for adapting agile practices and the agile mindset in program and portfolios levels, i.e. the management level of companies.

Track (2) Humanizing Customer Experience

Social bindings are important factors in customer management, e.g. what is said in social networks and public ratings can sometimes be more influential than the quality of products and services itself. Social bindings are human things by nature and that’s why we have put an own track for Humanizing Customer Experience. The more human experiences with companies are, the more stable relationships to customers will become. But of course, this is a challenge if products and services are mainly presented digitally without human interaction. How companies manage Customer Experience in the digital age is presented by sought-after speakers and managers form various industries

Track (3) Changing Organizations

Continuous change is normal, it has become indispensable for organizations. Organizational changes are implemented in projects or other initiatives, driven by mergers and acquisitions, fast changing markets or cost reduction demands. Agile practises for change projects are becoming more and more popular, with the advantage of a more flexible adaptability, taking into concern the continuous feedback by the business units undergoing the changes. Agile Business Processes are made for continuous changes, the required flexibility is an inherent attribute of such processes. Participate in this track to learn how companies manage their business processes in an agile way.

Our Speakers


Workshop Day May 16th 2019

1.1 Workshops Room 1
Two Halfday Workshops
1.2 Workshops Room 2
Two Halfday Workshops
1.3 Workshops Room 3
Two Halfday Workshops
13:00 - 14:00

Networking and Lunch Break

18:00 - 19:00

End of Workshop Day – Check-in and relax

Come Together And Some Entertainment ;-)

13:00 - 14:00

Networking and Lunch Break

18:00 - 19:00

End of Workshop Day – Check-in and relax

Come Together And Some Entertainment ;-)

13:00 - 14:00

Networking and Lunch Break

18:00 - 19:00

End of Workshop Day – Check-in and relax

Come Together And Some Entertainment ;-)

Conference Day May 17th 2019

Get all speakers and the complete conference program on your iPhone or Android smartphone using our conference app Topi with the event “BADAY2019”. This allows you to make contacts, put together your own agenda, ask questions interactively and evaluate the presentations. 

2.1 Scaling Agile
2.2 Humanizing CX
2.3 Changing Organizations